Bartlett Group recently launched a new campaign targeted at reducing the number of incidents and near misses incurred on the jobsite.
Situations continue to arise where employees do not utilize the standard “stop work authority” practice. Industrywide post-incident reviews reveal time and again that while personnel recognize hazards, work continues around those hazards rather than stopping work. Many incidents could be prevented entirely by stopping work.
At Bartlett Group, “stop work authority” is now “stop work obligation,” as employees must stop work when necessary for the safety of themselves, their families, friends, coworkers and clients.
Bartlett will recognize and celebrate those who have the courage to speak up and stop work when an unsafe condition exists or if there is even a question concerning safety. On the other hand, we will hold any employee accountable if they fail to take action or continue working when they should have used the “stop work obligation.”
Bartlett is hopeful that others will join in this practice and that it will become a standard for the industry as a whole, leading to safer workplaces for all employees.